Marvel Vs Capcom 2


The 7-time champ has spoken

Capcom 2 is just that fun. Sequel Number Snarl: According to its title screen, it's actually the fourth game in the series, despite the '2' in the title. Street Fighter and Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter are the first two games. Tiers for Marvel vs. Capcom 2 including top daily, weekly and monthly changes, best / worst match-ups and most voted match-ups.

Posted by Dakota 'DarkHorse' Hills • May 11, 2021 at 4:11 p.m. PDT • Comments: 21

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 holds an odd yet important place in the history of the FGC for being one of the premier games to help keep the scene going at a time when Capcom wasn't making new fighting games while also being one of the most busted titles ever in terms of character balance.

Justin Wong, a seven-time Evo champion in MvC2, recently released a new tier list for the 21-year-old crossover fighter with a bit of a twist.

Instead of the standard S tier, A tier, etc. rankings, Wong decided to go with the ratio system, which rates characters in a limited team composition format of competition.

Going by Justin's system, players have seven points available to build a team with the most busted fighters taking up five points to make it so they can't have a squad of Magneto, Sentinel and Storm like you'd see at a regular tournament — and they'd need to include some weenies to make it work.

All of that being said, only six characters are in Wong's five-point rank, and it doesn't include some staples you'd probably expect like Dr. Doom and Cyclops.

Marvel Vs Capcom 2 Characters

While he's amazing in some of the other Marvel fighting games, Wolverine is actually put at the bottom of the one-point category, which Wong explains is simply because he can't really get anything off of divekick in MvC2 for some reason.

There's only one fighter who sits even below that at zero points, but we'll let you guess who that is.

You can check out Justin Wong's full tier list and explanation video below, and let us know what team you'd make from his ratio ranks in the comments.

Click images for larger versions

Image source: Evo.

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Silver Samurai, AKA Kenuichio Harada, is a sometimes foe sometimes friend of the X-Men, and Wolverine in particular. He is the Oyabun of Clan Yashida and is a skilled samurai. His mutant power is a tachyon field which in particular he uses to enhance his sword.

For the purposes of MvC2, his best assets are decent health, great chip damage, and one of the best supers in the game.

First row: LP, HP, A1. Second row: LK, HK, A2.

Normal Moves

,: low slash.

c: Launcher

Special Moves

Special Properties (glossary)
Air {{ + }}
His best special. Hold up or down to guide. Excellently chipping projectile.
Sword slashes: not too useful.
Sword slashes: not too useful.
Tap , during Hyakuretsu Tou
Running sword slashes: good way to kill yourself if you're bored or showing off.

Super Moves

Special Properties (glossary)
Six shurikens. Hold up or down to guide. Huge chip if blocked. In Kaminari mode, you can use these in the air.

+ in normal or lightning mode
Heavily mashable. Very quick recovery. Can destroy assists. Can sometimes relink on assists off a cLK cLK if you get the right lightning pattern. There's a random gap in the lightning pattern that your opponent can use to punish you if they know about it and get lucky. Particularly a problem with Cable - he can pretty much hold up back and when the gap opens, he gets the jump and can AHVB you.

+ in ice mode
You jump into the middle of the screen and embed the sword into the ground, freezing it. Must be crouch-blocked. Your opponent can hit you out of the jump unless you have Hyper Armor on. Does decent chip. In 3x Ice mode, does ungodly chip. You can perform an infinite loop with this super.
+ in fire mode
Upwards fire super. Can relink into Chou Shurikens.

Lightning powerup: speed buff, offense and health nerf. Can now do air Chou Shuriken.

Congratulations, you just killed youself. Switch out now to get rid of this. Fire powerup: offense buff, big health nerf. Almost all normal moves now do chip damage. You lose Raimei Ken and gain Homura Ken.

The only useful powerup. Ice powerup: health buff, offense nerf, super armor. Do 3x to get Hyper Armor. You lose Raimei Ken and gain Hyouga Ken.

Assist Moves

Alpha Counter
Sword Slashes

There's no clear choice of which of Sword Slashes or Shuriken to use. Shuriken is better for a few teams. Sword Slashes is very very useful for rushdown, as he's out there poking at them for a bit: it's a ghetto Spiral-Y. The only reason to pick Y-type is for the team super, but that's just a waste.


-d.s.LP > s.LP XX f,d,df + HP XX f,f

-Corner qcb + P. d.s.LP > s.LK > s.LP > s.LK > c.HP / sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.LP XX qcf + PP

-qcb + P. d.s.LP > s.LK > s.LP > s.LK > s.HK XX qcf + PP

-d.s.LP > s.LP XX qcf + KK

-Jump LK > HP / d.c.LP > c.HP / sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.HP > sj.HK

-qcb + P. Jump LK > HP / d.c.LP > c.LK > c.LK XX qcf + KK

-qcb + HK. Jump LK > HP / d.c.LP > c.LK XX qcf + KK

-Corner qcb + LK. qcf + KK, qcb + HK, d.c.LK > s.LP XX qcf + PP, qcf + KK

-Corner qcb + HK. Jump LK > HP / d.s.LP > s.HP XX qcf + HP XX qcf + PP, qcf + KK


Generally you're going to want to poke and build meter. If you can, throw out shurikens to chip them down. Your best weapon is Raimei Ken: learn to combo into it. Works well off of any antiair assists or off of his launchers. You can combo it off of sFP too, but cFP is a better link.

Sword powerups are generally a way to get yourself killed. It is usually a good idea to switch out if you accidentally activate his Honoo/Fire powerup. If you get a lot of levels and want to show off, use Koori/Ice.

The same sword powerup can be stacked up to three times. As you stack, the applied nerfs decrease, giving you just the benefits at 3x. 3x Ice also gives you Hyper Armor. Using a different sword powerup cancels all previous effects and uses the new effects.

Be wary of accidentally activating sword powerups: smart players will be floating over your head trying to cross you up.

Odd stuff: He can't be thrown while crouching. He also is hard to unblockable.

There's a nice throw loop in the corner that kills people dead.

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